Imagination reveals new power-efficient DXTP GPU for laptops and mobile devices

Imagination Technology has announced its newest GPU IP, Imagination DXTP. With 20% improved power efficiency over its predecessor DXT, Imagination brings two new RISC-V GPU models to the power-constrained market to complete its D-Series GPU family.

Based in the UK and owned by Chinese investment firm Canyon Bridge Capital Partners, Imagination Technology is known for its GPU IP design, which is adopted by the PC, smartphone, and automotive markets. Imagination DXTP will come in two variations: DXTP-48-1536 and DXTP-64-2048.

Both GPUs are identical in software support and firmware. The chips support Vulkan 1.4 and “highly optimized” OpenGL 4.6 and OpenCL 3.0 libraries to reach 80% GPU utilization in everyday tasks. Like all Imagination GPU IPs, the chips specialize in asynchronous multitasking, simultaneously performing graphical and AI tasks.

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Imagination DXTP-48-1536

Imagination DXTP-48-1536

Clock Speed (GHz)

1 GHz

1 GHz

FP32 FLOPs/Clock



FP16 FLOPs/Clock



DOT8 NN Ops/Clock




48 (Bilinear 3D Textured)

64 (Bilinear 3D Textured)

Both the DXTP-48-1536 and DXTP-48-1536 are clocked at 1 GHz. However, the latter scales up to 2,048 FP3 FLOPs per clock, which, according to Imagination, delivers a desktop-quality gaming performance to mobile devices.

According to Imagination, the DXTP offers up to 22% improved power efficiency compared to its predecessor, the DXT. However, the manufacturer didn’t provide any details of the workloads.

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